You can, but it isn’t your best option. Your 401(k) plan should be dedicated primarily to your retirement.

There are two primary drawbacks to using your 401(k) for college funding. First, if you withdraw funds from your 401(k) before you are 59½, you will owe a 10% premature distribution penalty on the withdrawal. This penalty is in addition to the income taxes you will owe on the withdrawal. Second, frequent dips into your 401(k) reduce the amount of money you ultimately have available to reap the benefits of compounding and tax deferral. This, in turn, reduces the overall funds for your retirement.

If you really need to use your 401(k) funds to pay for college, a better option might be to borrow from your plan if your plan allows loans. Plan loans are not taxed or penalized, as long as you repay the funds within a specified time period. But make sure you compare the cost of borrowing college funds from your plan with other finance options. Although interest rates on plan loans may be favorable, the amount you can borrow is limited, and you generally must repay the loan within five years. In addition, some plans require you to repay the loan immediately if you leave your job. Your retirement earnings will also suffer as a result of removing funds from a tax-deferred investment.

If you want to save for college in a retirement vehicle, consider using a traditional IRA or Roth IRA instead. With IRAs, you will not owe a 10% premature distribution penalty on withdrawals you make before age 59½ if the money is used to pay your child’s qualified college expenses.

It always makes financial sense to discuss big financial decisions with a financial advisor. MRA Advisory Group offers complimentary first meetings so why not schedule some time with us and find out the best way to fund your child’s college education?

Advisory Services are offered through MRA Advisory Group, a Registered Investment Adviser. It is general in nature that the statements herein are not a complete statement of all information necessary for making an investment decision and is not a recommendation or a solicitation to buy or sell any security. The investments and strategies mentioned may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Nothing herein, nor any attachment, shall be considered to constitute (i) an offer to sell, nor a solicitation of an offer to purchase, any security, or (ii) tax or legal advice.
